The Grant High School Alumni Association, founded in 2005, is an Oregon non-profit corporation with IRS 501(c)(3) status. Dues and contributions are tax deductible. Our mission is to serve our graduates and to develop alumni interest and support for Grant High School. Grant continues to be an outstanding Portland school. We want to help continue that tradition.
The Alumni Association's operations completely depend membership dues and donations; joining the Association helps us achieve our goals and fund our activities. Click here for more information.
Our goals and activities
Our major goals and activities include:
Providing opportunities for alumni to maintain contact with other alums and with current events at the school. A newsletter publicizing class reunions and all-alumni activities, current events at Grant, and historical highlights will be sent to members.
Donating to GHS. We want to provide scholarships, help with facility improvements and student programs, and organize alumni service projects at the school.
Developing and maintaining Grant's history collection. We are interviewing alums and faculty in order to preserve the history of school newspapers and other historical documents on CDs. We are seeking donations of scrapbooks and other Grant memorabilia.
Establishing and maintaining a directory of Grant alumni in order to help with class reunions and other alumni functions.
Mailing address: U.S.Grant Alumni Association | PO Box 13291 | Portland, Oregon 97213 Want to volunteer? Have a question? Visit our Contact page to get in touch with us. Oregon 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. (EIN# 36-4577438)