The Grant High School Alumni Association is an Oregon Non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. New memberships and renewals are due annually, and cover the calendar year beginning January 1 through December 31. Dues support GHSAA activities, newsletter, scholarship, and annual picnic expenses, and are eligible for tax deductions.
You can pay dues and donations by mailing a check, online at PayPal using the @GHSAlumni ID, or by using the links below.
1. To mail in your dues, click here for a PDF and fill out the form. Then mail it along with a check made payable to GHSAA to: Grant High School Alumni Association PO Box 13291 Portland, OR 97213
2. For PayPal, click in the box below and select your dues category, then click Add to Cart. You do not need a PayPal account to use this option; PayPal will also accept your credit or debit card.
Annual Individual Dues: $25/year
Annual Couple Dues: $40/year (when both are Grant alums)
Lifetime Memberships: $250
Pay your membership dues here
Click below to choose the correct membership. (You may need to click where it says "Single membership" in order to see your other choices.)
Student Scholarships donations
The Alumni Scholarship Committee interviews students who will be continuing their education at an Oregon school of higher learning. The recipient receives $5000. All donations are appreciated.
Alumni Association General Fund donations
Help us support various causes, activities and events at Grant. In the past, donations have been given to Senior Night festivities, July's annual alumni picnic, the newsletter, the Constitution Team, our band and orchestra programs, and more! Help us support Grant students. All donations are appreciated.
Community Support
Community Support is for non-alumni who help champion our efforts and goals but did not attend Grant High School and do not require a membership. We want to ensure you are recognized! Click this button below to make a donation of your choosing and we will add you to our list to receive our newsletter and announcements to keep you informed. All donations are appreciated.
Mailing address: U.S.Grant Alumni Association | PO Box 13291 | Portland, Oregon 97213 Want to volunteer? Have a question? Visit our Contact page to get in touch with us. Oregon 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. (EIN# 36-4577438)